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Исторические Деятели | История Деятельность и Ресурсы

Introducing students to various areas of social studies such as history, current events, communities, civic education, and geography to name a few, is very important. Although students may question the importance of learning about the past, learning about their world and their country gives them perspective about other groups, cultures, places, and other areas relevant to the world around them. Engage students in learning about history and how the world as they know it came to be. Bringing history to life with storyboards and activities can help answer those questions, and using Storyboard That can harness student passions in an engaging way. These resources are here to help!



История США

Всемирная История

Other Teaching and Project Ideas for Social Studies Classes

Above there are all kinds of social studies lessons, education articles and history project ideas behind each topic. These lesson plans are completely customizable. Each unit contains between 3 and 12 different standards-aligned lessons on a given topic that help bring history and social studies to life and to keep students informed with the knowledge they need for a successful school year. While these free lessons are designed to be an opportunity for teachers to copy into their account, edit and adapt for the needs of their students, these tools can also be used "as is". They are a complete lesson plan that include research information and resources for teachers, instructions for students, templates, finished examples to inspire students, and, often, a rubric to assist with grading. We know how busy classroom teachers are. Storyboard That has done the research and the prep work to help teachers save time so that they can put their energies towards what is most important: their social studies instruction and their students.

A meaningful social studies curriculum that is equitable, just, has diversity, examines history from all perspectives, and amplifies voices that have historically been silenced is more important than ever in the social studies classroom. We believe that social studies content and all subjects should be taught in a way that is culturally responsive and teaches young people multiple perspectives. At Storyboard That we believe that all children should see themselves represented and we strive to create content to help teachers foster an inclusive learning environment, and a community where all educators and every student belongs.

Major Branches of Social Studies

Social studies, also referred to as social sciences, is how people interact with one another and the study of human society. In the elementary grades, the curriculum focuses more on community, social emotional learning, citizens, geography, and history. However, as students advance their education, they will learn even more about the different social studies subjects. Below is a list and brief description of some of the social studies subjects that students will come across during the course of their education:

  1. Anthropology: The study of human societies, culture, and how they have evolved.
  2. Archaeology: The study of the history of humans through artifacts and physical remains.
  3. Civics: The study of the rights and responsibilities of humans in a society.
  4. Economics: The study of production, resources, goods, and consumption.
  5. Geography: The study of the physical features of the earth, and how where people live effects their life, resources, use of land, and industry.
  6. Government: The study of how how a community or society runs, controlled, and regulated.
  7. Law: The study of the system of rules, procedures, and behaviors that a society must follow, and the actions that are taken when citizens are penalized.
  8. Psychology: The study of behavior and the mind.
  9. Sociology: The study of human social relationships such as religion, culture, communication, and crime.

Часто задаваемые вопросы о раскадровке для социальных исследований

Как преподавать студентам уроки обществознания с помощью Storyboard That

Использование раскадровок для обучения общественным наукам — это эффективный способ для учащихся продемонстрировать свое понимание множества абстрактных концепций и теорий, исторических событий, мест и людей, которые им незнакомы.

Привлеките учащихся различными идеями проектов исторических личностей, такими как постеры с биографиями и графические листы органайзера с биографией.

Студенты могут исследовать различные культуры и места по всему миру, используя раскадровки, а также настраиваемые плакаты с картами, рабочие листы с картами и инфографику по географии.

Обучайте учащихся с помощью динамических наглядных пособий, таких как наши графические листы органайзера по общественным наукам.

Помогите учащимся запомнить новые понятия и термины с помощью словарных листов по общественным наукам и стен слов.

Позвольте учащимся визуализировать, как разворачиваются важные события, и связывайте их с рабочими листами временной шкалы и плакатами временной шкалы.

Обучайте студентов с помощью наших десятков шаблонов раскадровки для социальных исследований , которые включают диаграммы причин и следствий, социальные пирамиды, временные шкалы, сравнительные и противопоставленные t-диаграммы, карты пауков 5 Ws, диаграммы акронимов GRAPES и множество других карт пауков, диаграмм, сетки и графические органайзеры.

Как научить студентов любить обществознание с помощью Storyboard That

Storyboard That lessons, activities and templates focus on fostering students' understanding of social studies concepts, critical thinking and problem solving skills all while tapping into their creativity and imagination. History can be a very abstract subject for students that is often dry and boring. With Storyboard That, students are able to engage with the material and with each other in a new and exciting way! Give students voice and choice by including storyboarding into your social studies lesson plans!

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StoryboardThat является товарным знаком Clever Prototypes , LLC и зарегистрирован в Бюро по патентам и товарным знакам США.