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Customize Circle Chart Worksheets

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Whether you're a teacher looking for a fun activity for your students or a parent trying to help your kids learn at home, these circle chart worksheet templates from Storyboard That are a great way to visualize information. With customizable colors and fonts, these charts can represent any data set or sequence of events - from school subject areas to family chores. Plus, they're just plain fun to make!

Circle diagrams are a way to show processes that repeat. They can be used to show the life cycles or phases of the Moon, and each section represents a critical point in the process. They have different sections that show the different steps of the cycle. You can find templates online to make your own circle chart worksheet with colors and fonts that match what you need. But, at Storyboard That, we take away the hard work so that you can get creative immediately.

What are Circle Chart Worksheets?

Circle charts, also called cycle diagrams or cycle charts, usually show sequences or processes that repeat. There can be a different number of sections to the circle, based on the steps to the cycle.

Why Are They Important and How Are They Best Used?

Showing a life cycle or phases of the Moon? Use a circle chart! The cycle diagram is the perfect graphic organizer to use to show steps or stages that flow into the next. Each section of the chart is for a key point in the cycle. Have students fill in the entire circle themselves to show every step or have them fill in a partially finished chart.

Storyboard That’s circle chart worksheet templates are invaluable to any visual communication project. They provide a range of layouts designed to help users organize and display data without creating their own from scratch. With the ability to add extra sections, labels, arrows, and other visuals, these diagram PowerPoint templates can map out projects and goals, compare items side-by-side, or even present a PowerPoint presentation with numerical components. Different circular diagram designs allow people to choose the best-suited layout for their needs.

Additionally, they make great starting points for brainstorming, team meetings, and educational activities - ideal for supporting arguments and engaging viewers in more creative ways. Ultimately the circular diagram templates that Storyboard That provides are a versatile toolset that everyone from students to entrepreneurs can use.

Circle Chart Worksheet Templates

To make a circle chart worksheet, choose a template above! Once you're in the Storyboard Creator, click on each of the elements on the template to change them to fit your needs. When you're done, hit "Save & Exit"! You can print your worksheet right away, or simply keep it in your storyboard library until you are ready to use it.

Different Circular Diagram Designs

Storyboard That has several different circular diagram designs to choose from. From basic sequential overlapping circles to multi-level sectioned cycles, each template is designed to make it easy to incorporate your own data into the diagram. We have ensured that there is a range of different layouts so that almost any situation that could benefit from a visual representation of data can be served.

Types of Learners

People learn in many different ways, and there are several different types of learners. Take a look at the various ways in which people can retain information:

  • Visual Learners are better able to understand concepts when they have visuals. They want to use their eyes to learn and understand best when presented with images and maps.
  • Auditory Learners tend to learn best when they hear information. They are better able to retain ideas if they listen to the material that is presented to them.
  • Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners can best understand concepts when they can move and interact with the material. Activities like puzzles and hands-on experiments can be used to demonstrate concepts so that these types of learners can better understand.
  • Analytical Learners prefer to use logic and reason to learn. They can understand concepts best when presented with evidence-based findings and explanations using our templates for PowerPoint.
  • Reading/Writing Learners are learners for whom reading and writing are the primary tools for learning. They can best understand concepts when they read or write them down.
  • Logical Learners like to use mathematical and scientific processes to learn. They can better understand complex concepts when they observe techniques and patterns.
  • Social/Interpersonal Learners are learners for whom social interaction is critical. They gain the most from learning when discussing ideas with other students or teachers.
  • Solitary/Intrapersonal learners can observe and process the information on their own, so they learn best in this way. They tend to be less likely to engage in group activities and prefer to work independently.

The circle graphic organizer worksheets from Storyboard That can help learners of all types organize their thoughts and understand the material more easily. With it, teachers can illustrate complex concepts while assisting students in staying engaged in their learning journey.

How Each Learner Type Can Be Helped Using a Circle Graphic Organizer

Each type of learner can utilize circle charts to achieve a better understanding of the material. Let's break down how graphic organizer circles can help each learner type.

  • Visual learners will benefit from the visuals found in circle charts. By placing related elements together, visual learners can easily see and understand different aspects of a particular topic and how they flow together.
  • Auditory learners can be helped by using labels or descriptions to explain the elements in the circle map graphic organizer. This provides an acoustic element to the chart, making it easier for auditory learners to comprehend.
  • Tactile and kinesthetic learners can easily navigate a circle organizer when interactive elements are included. For example, adding arrows or buttons that can be clicked on can make it easier for tactile and kinesthetic learners to understand complex concepts or adding movements to explain each aspect of the chart. An example would be creating a video of someone going through each step.
  • For analytical learners, providing evidence-based facts in their circle charts will help them understand better. Adding relevant numerical data or images of experiments can help analytical learners gain a deeper understanding of the material.
  • Circle charts with labels or descriptions written in text format can benefit reading/writing learners. This allows these learners to read and comprehend the material more clearly. Larger boxes for text are advised for this type of learner.
  • By visually representing mathematical ideas, logical learners can better understand them. They can benefit from circle charts that illustrate patterns or processes. You could add arrows for steps or include labels to demonstrate the order of events.
  • Including questions or debates into a cycle graphic organizer helps social/interpersonal learners engage with the material meaningfully. Discussing different aspects of the topic with other students or teachers can provide a richer learning experience for these types of learners.
  • For solitary/intrapersonal learners, allowing them time to work independently on their circle charts can be the most beneficial. Giving these learners a chance to process the material in their own time and at their own pace will create a more comfortable and practical learning environment.

Circle Chart Activities for Each Learner Type

Here are a few examples you can put into place when using circle charts at school and the workplace. Each is specific to the type of learner you are aiming for the activity to help with the learning process.

Visual Learners

  • Draw out the circular processes of events of a frog's life cycle with a circle chart.
  • Draw the steps included in a successful basketball dunk.

Auditory Learners

  • Explain verbally, with the assistance of your circles graphic organizer, the parts of a car engine using labels and audio recordings.
  • Write out instructions on how to bake a cake with audio recordings of each step.

Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners

  • Create a flow chart of the steps in a scientific experiment, including elements that can be clicked on or interacted with.
  • Create a video of how to plant a seed and include labels that can be clicked on for further information.

Analytical Learners

  • Include evidence-based data when creating a circular diagram of the different parts of the human body.
  • Make a chart showing the correlation between exercise and health, including numerical data and scientific facts.

Reading/Writing Learners

  • Write out a list of steps in a 5 circle graphic organizer that provides instructions on how to build a model airplane.
  • Create a flowchart showing the different steps to creating a new recipe, with labels that can be read for more information.

Logical Learners

  • Organize mathematical equations in a circle chart to illustrate the order of operations and how they are related.
  • Make a circular diagram showing how a computer takes data and turns it into information.

Social/Interpersonal Learners

  • Create a circle chart showing different debate topics with activities for each, then play them out in person.
  • Make a flowchart with labels that can be clicked on or discussed in groups about different aspects of global history.

Solitary/Intrapersonal Learners

  • Allow solitary/intrapersonal learners time to work independently using their circular diagrams. Let them have space to explore the material in their own way without interruption from other students or teachers.
  • Provide materials such as pictures, videos, and even seating charts for these learners to reference when creating their circle charts.

These are just a few examples of how you can use circle charts to help different types of learners understand the material more effectively. By tailoring the activity to the individual learner, you can create a learning environment that is both meaningful and engaging. It is important to remember that each learner is unique in their own way, and the approach you take with them should reflect that.

The goal is to create an atmosphere that encourages learning through meaningful engagement with the material. Utilizing circular diagrams for learners of all types is a great way to achieve that goal. By adapting the activity to the individual's needs, you can ensure that each person gets the best learning experience possible.

How to Make a Circle Chart With Storyboard That’s Circular Diagram Templates

Creating a circle chart using the powerpoint template is straightforward. All you need to do is open the template in Storyboard That's software, add your information, customize the colors and text font, modify or add any symbols commonly used, and save the final product to share or print. 

To begin, you should ensure your data is organized before inputting it into the template. Be sure to include any relevant titles, categories, or labels. You will also want to change up the look of your circle chart by utilizing different colors or gradients that match with other visuals of similar project elements if desired. 

Once your information is all entered in, and you have achieved a satisfactory appearance for the chart, save it, and through the software, they can easily be shared online. You can even print them off to use in face-to-face presentations or handouts. <>

How to Use the Circle Chart in Different Situations

The circle chart is a valuable and versatile tool for data analysis. It can be used in many different situations, such as tracking goals, plotting cycles, and visualizing processes. For example, when monitoring progress toward a goal, the circle chart lets one imagine the goal completion process and see what stage you are at.

One can create a circle chart that displays how much of the goal has been achieved so far, providing an easy way to keep track of progress. When plotting data points on a circle chart, it can help analyze patterns that cannot be seen in tabular form.

It allows one to visualize data points in a circle, making it easier to understand each chart component in an isolated fashion. Lastly, the circle chart can be used to visualize processes, such as the sales funnel or customer journey. Plotting each step in a process on a circle chart can quickly show where most of the activity takes place and any weak points.

Circle Chart Use Cases at School

In the classroom, circle charts can be used to support instruction in various ways. For instance, they can be used to compare and contrast information, create timelines of events, or classify information from social studies vocabulary templates in multiple ways.

In math and science classes, circular diagrams can also show relationships between elements in a pattern or series. For example, one can create a circle chart with the planets of our solar system and then use it to explain the differences between each planet's size, composition, and distance from the sun.

In social studies classes, circle charts are also helpful in mapping out changes to a timeline, such as a rise and fall of different civilizations or the events that led to specific political changes. All in all, circle charts can be used in any subject area to help students better understand and visualize information.

In physical education, circle charts can showcase different types of physical activities, such as running or swimming, and the steps involved in successful techniques. This can help students better understand how to execute a particular action both safely and effectively.

By utilizing this tool, teachers can ensure that each student gets the most out of their classes. Thus, circle charts can be used in a variety of ways inside and outside the classroom to help students retain and understand information.

Circle Chart Use Cases at Work

In the work environment, circle charts are used for multiple purposes. For example, circle charts in marketing and sales departments enable teams to visualize customer journeys and track progress through the sales funnel. Additionally, circle charts can be used to classify prospects based on their characteristics, such as whether they are high-value or low-value leads.

In project management departments, circle charts can help teams keep track of tasks and activities that need to be completed to reach a goal. By plotting out the activities visually, teams can better understand what needs to be done and assign tasks accordingly.

Circle charts are also used in financial analysis departments to analyze trends in data points such as revenue, profits, and expenses. When presented on a circle chart, this information is easier to digest and understand without looking at several tabular reports.

In short, circle charts are helpful for any organization that needs to visualize data points in an easy-to-understand format. As such, they are powerful tools that can be used in any industry or field of work.

Circle Chart Use Cases at Home

Circle charts can also be used in the home for various purposes. For instance, they can help families track expenses and develop budgets by plotting out different types of income and expenses in separate circles. This can give a better picture of where your money is going and what areas to focus on cutting down.

Additionally, circle charts can be used to track and manage daily tasks. Plotting out the different things that need to be done on a single chart helps adults and children prioritize tasks and stay organized.

Circular diagrams can be used at home for creative purposes, such as creating art or designing interior decorating plans, along with utilizing the poster template gallery. Plotting out different elements, such as color schemes or furniture placement, makes it easier to visualize and execute a particular design.

Circle Chart Use Cases for Personal Development

Circle charts are also helpful for personal development. For instance, a circle chart can map out goals and objectives for a particular project or task. This can help one track progress and reflect on what has been achieved so far, as well as identify areas for improvement or steps that have been missed.

Circle charts can also be used to track personal growth and development over time. For example, one may use a circle chart to track their skills and abilities, as well as the areas they need to work on to reach their goals. This can help one stay focused and motivated on their journey to self-improvement.

Overall, circle charts are versatile tools used at home and anywhere to help manage tasks and increase productivity. Here are some specific examples of how circle charts can help anyone:

  • For Learner Engagement: Circle charts are great for helping people engage with learning material. Presenting information in a visual format helps people quickly identify key points and retain information. This means that teachers can use basic loops to make lectures more engaging and help students better understand the material.
  • For Productivity: Circle charts can be used to increase productivity in any setting. For instance, one may use a circle chart to track the progress of a particular project, such as the steps needed to complete a task or the goals they need to reach. This can help one plan their activities and stay on top of their progress.
  • For Learner Retention: Visual learners love to use circle charts! Circle charts can be used to help learners retain information. Presenting data in a graphic format helps people quickly identify key points and remember them for future reference. This can be especially helpful when teaching complex topics or subjects that require memorization and comprehension.
  • To Help Students: Circle charts help students retain information better and understand the context of the material. This is because circle charts break down complex topics into individual bits of information that are easier to digest and understand. Additionally, plotting out the information on a circle chart helps students visualize the relationships between different points and better understand the material.
  • To Help Teachers: Circle charts can also be helpful for teachers by providing a visual tool to explain better and demonstrate concepts. This enables teachers to break down complex topics into smaller parts, allowing students to comprehend the material more easily. As well as this, circle charts can quickly identify gaps in students’ knowledge and provide better feedback and guidance on areas of improvement.
  • To Help Schools: The primary thing schools look for is improving students' overall grades and making their schooling experience as rewarding as possible. Circle charts can help in this regard by providing students with visual tools to understand the material better and engage with the subject. This enables schools to create more engaging learning environments and ensure students succeed in their studies. Better student engagement means a much higher chance of succeeding in their exams and gaining higher grades. Therefore, it can be said that by implementing circle charts into the curriculum, schools can see an overall increase in their students’ grades.
  • To Help Employees: Circle charts are also helpful for employees in the workplace. Providing visual tools to better understand topics helps employees make quicker decisions and accurately identify issues. Circle charts can be used for project management by plotting each task and its respective deadline. This allows employees to prioritize tasks and stay organized, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in the workplace.
  • To Help Companies: Companies benefit from circle charts by improving the overall efficiency of their employees. By providing them with visual tools to better understand topics and prioritize tasks, companies can ensure that their workers are performing up to par. This leads to increased productivity, which in turn will improve a company’s profits by saving their employees time to focus on things that are profit-generating tasks.

Circle charts also help companies identify weaknesses in their employees and provide targeted training to help improve upon those areas. This leads to an overall increase in employee morale, which also helps with increasing profits.

Office Activities Using Circle Charts

Circle charts can be used in the office in many ways. For example, it can organize tasks and deadlines, track progress on projects, or brainstorm new ideas. Let's look at a few activities that can be implemented within the office to help with productivity, creativity, and efficiency using these free PowerPoint templates.

Brainstorming Ideas: Circle charts are excellent for brainstorming new ideas. It helps employees quickly identify weak points in their thoughts and develop better strategies to achieve their goals.

Project Management: Plotting out tasks on a circle chart can help employees prioritize tasks and stay organized throughout each project.

Analyzing Data: With the use of circle charts, employees can quickly identify patterns and trends in data. This helps employees make better decisions and accurately analyze information.

Time Management: Employees can use circle charts to better manage their time by plotting out tasks and their respective deadlines. This helps them prioritize tasks more effectively and stay organized throughout the day.

Strategic Planning: Circle charts can help plan and strategize for the future. It allows employees quickly identify weak points in their plans and develop better strategies for achieving their goals.

Creativity Production Processes: Circle charts can help employees develop creative solutions to problems. This helps them come up with innovative ideas that can be beneficial for the company.

Business Presentations: Diagram PowerPoint templates can help employees make more engaging presentations. Providing visual tools allows employees to better explain complex topics and engage with their audience.

Tips to Get the Best out of Your Circle Chart Templates

Creating a customized circle chart can be valuable for keeping track of information or presenting data visually. To customize the chart organizer template to suit your needs better, you must first decide what type of data you want to show and how many categories the chart should contain.

Selecting the correct type of labels and determining their size is also essential: too large, and they will take up space needed for more useful data; too small, and they may become illegible. Another step in customizing a circle chart is to determine its layout: radial, concentric, etc., depending on the complexity and structure of the data presented — or, if needed, create an entirely new design best suited for your purpose.

Finally, ensure that all labels on the graph are appropriately labeled with descriptors and text formatting, such as color coding or highlighting important sectors or numbers. Following these simple steps when creating a circle chart, you can quickly and easily customize it to all your specific needs.

Why Use an Online Circle Graph Maker Over Hand Drawing Them?

Hand-drawn circle charts can be time-consuming and difficult to manage. Circle graph maker templates are much more efficient, giving you an outline of what the chart should look like, and saving a lot of time on drawing and labeling everything manually.

As well as this, templates help ensure accuracy by providing precisely measured sections that correctly divide the data. This helps avoid errors and provides a more professionally created look than a hand-drawn circle chart.

Templates provide an easier way to make adjustments and edits instead of manually erasing or redrawing the entire chart. This can save you time making small changes, allowing you to update your chart with the latest data quickly.

You can print off the multi-layer diagrams several times when you use online software to create them. This makes it much easier to distribute and share the information with others on your team.

You can share your templates online with other team members, classmates, or organizations, making it easier to collaborate and develop better ideas.

Finally, you can create high-quality visuals that can be used for presentations or reports. This helps you to demonstrate your data, ideas, and conclusions professionally.

Case Studies

Circle Chart Case Study 1: Jane's Homework Assignment

Jane struggled to organize her thoughts on an essay she had to write for school. She always found it challenging to keep track of her ideas and ensure they were all relevant to the topic. Being a visual learner, she found it hard to break down long pieces of text from the school's textbooks, and her grades reflected this.

She spoke to the school teaching assistant - Mrs. Howarth - who had already used Storyboard That from a previous school. The teaching assistant decided to create a circular diagram template for Jane, which included all the topics from her essay.

Jane was able to use the template to break down the topics into smaller sections and determine which ones were most relevant. She was also able to create labels for each section, adding color and highlighting important issues.

With the template, Jane could organize her essay into a logical structure, which helped her better understand the material and score higher on her assignment. Following this, Jane used circle diagrams in almost all her essay assignments. She even continued to use the template for other projects throughout her schooling. Her grades reflected this in her final report, and she got the highest mark in her year in English.

Circle Chart Case Study 2: Joe's Business Project

Joe was a business models consultant, and he had been assigned to a project which involved analyzing data from an online survey and relaying the customer journey back to his supervisors. He wanted to show the customer journey clearly and visually. Still, he struggled to organize his data into easy-to-understand diagrams as there was so much information to break down.

Joe decided to use Storyboard That and searched for a circle chart template. He found the one he needed, with all the sections to organize the data properly. He then labeled each section with the relevant topics, adding color and highlighting key points for emphasis.

Joe could then easily explain his findings in a clear and concise manner. Thanks to the circle chart template he had created, Joe demonstrated the customer journey in an organized and professional way. His supervisors were so impressed with Joe’s presentation that they gave him a bonus for the month.

From Joe’s customer journey presentation, his company was able to track which steps were causing sales to fall through, which allowed them to change their entire business process, which ultimately increased their sales by 8% on average per month. From then on, Joe used circle diagram templates whenever he needed to present data to his superiors.

Circle Chart Case Study 3: Mr. Cross' Lesson Plans

Mr. Cross was a high school math teacher who struggled to keep his students engaged in the classroom. He found it challenging to explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way, as he could only use verbal explanations.

He decided to look into Storyboard That, as he had heard great things about the software from other teachers in his school. In the worksheet template gallery, he searched for a circle chart template and found one which would allow him to add the math equations he needed to explain in a step-by-step manner.

Mr. Cross found the template incredibly useful and was able to explain complex equations in a way that his students could understand for the first time. He also added color to the circles in order to draw his students’ attention and keep them engaged.

The teacher was amazed by the difference it made in his classroom. His students no longer struggled to understand complex equations, and they were able to use the circle chart template as a reference point during their homework assignments. Mr. Cross even began to use the template to create lesson plans for other complex topics, such as trigonometry and calculus.

Overall, he saw his student grades increase, but he didn't expect a change in student engagement. For the first time in his 16-year career teaching math, he felt his students actually liked coming to math class.

He went on to tell the head teacher about the software, which was then rolled out across the whole school. Both the teachers and students were thrilled with the new tool.

How to Make a Circle Chart Worksheet


Choose One of the Premade Circle Chart Templates

We have color and black and white landscape templates. Take a look at our circle chart example for inspiration!


Click on "Copy Template"

Once you do this, you will be directed to the storyboard creator.


Give Your Worksheet a Name!

Be sure to call it something related to the topic so that you can easily find it in the future.


Edit Your Worksheet

This is where you will include directions, specific questions and images, and make any aesthetic changes that you would like. The options are endless!


Click "Save and Exit"

When you are finished with your circle chart worksheet, click this button in the lower right hand corner to exit your storyboard.


Next Steps

From here you can print, download as a PDF, attach it to an assignment and use it digitally, and more!

Storyboard That: A Comprehensive Learning Solution

Storyboard That isn't just a one-stop shop. It has a plethora of other learning resources, templates, teacher worksheets, and engaging activities. From customizing the templates to creating interactive lessons, we provide you with all the necessary tools to ensure your learners absorb the material and achieve success.

Whether you are an experienced teacher or a new one, our learning resources will help you quickly and effectively create the perfect lesson plan. Our platform is a good way to save time and effort, enabling you to focus on other essential aspects of your teaching.

To Sum It up

Storyboard That circular flow diagrams provide a great way to quickly create a circle chart for tracking goals or plotting data. With simple customization tools, you can design it in the style that works for you and the project you’re working on.

So don’t hesitate to try out these templates today and share your feedback. We'd love to learn more about how they help you make your projects even more organized. Your success stories will inspire others to give them a go.

Finally, if you like what we have done here, please share our software with others and let everyone know about this awesome template we have put together and what it can do for them.

Happy Creating!

Frequently Asked Questions about Circle Charts

What is a circular diagram?

A circular diagram is a visual representation of information that is arranged around a circle. It can be used to illustrate data points, compare values, identify relationships between data, or track progress over time. It is a useful tool for visualizing information and communicating complex ideas.

How to use a circle map graphic organizer?

A circle map graphic organizer is used to identify critical points of a topic or concept to better understand the material. It typically contains four or five circles arranged in a circular fashion, with words or phrases written inside each one.

How is a 5-circle graphic organizer laid out?

A 5-circle graphic organizer template is typically organized with five circles arranged around a central circle. The words or phrases written inside each circle represent the main points that need to be discussed.

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