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Personalize Modelos de Pôster

Creating posters just got easy! Find poster templates that you can customize for any project or storyboard lesson!

Featured Poster Templates

Como Fazer Modelos de Infográfico
Decorações De Sala De Aula
Decorações De Sala De Aula
Modelos de Infográfico de Fluxograma | Fluxogramas
Gráficos de Metas
Gráficos de Metas
Listar Modelos de Infográfico | Decorações de Sala de Aula

Our team of teachers has been hard at work adding incredible, customizable poster templates to our template library. You will find posters for all subjects, in color and black and white, and in the landscape and portrait layout. Want to create your own poster template? You can do that too! Our interactive and free online poster maker in the storyboard creator is easy to use, and has tons of options for original posters.

Why Use Storyboard That Educational Poster Templates?

Our expansive collection of custom posters will help save you tons of time and money! Our fully customizable and eye-catching posters can be used for any subject, to hang in the classroom, for social media, projects, and so much more. Our site gives you the starting point that you need in order to create fantastic, original posters that allow you to use custom designs, pre-made borders and other poster aspects, and even your own images!

Como Usar um Storyboard That Modelo de Pôster


Escolha um dos Modelos de Pôster Pré-fabricados

Temos tantos modelos de cartaz diferentes para escolher. Se você está procurando cores brilhantes, preto e branco, retrato ou paisagem, nós temos!


Clique em "Copiar modelo"

Depois de fazer isso, você será direcionado para o criador do storyboard.


Dê um Nome ao seu Cartaz!

Certifique-se de chamá-lo de algo relacionado ao tópico para que você possa encontrá-lo facilmente no futuro.


Edite seu Pôster

É aqui que você incluirá detalhes, texto, imagens e fará as alterações estéticas que desejar. As opções são infinitas!


Clique em "Salvar e Sair"

Quando terminar o pôster, clique neste botão no canto inferior direito para sair do storyboard.


Próximos Passos

A partir daqui, você pode imprimir, baixar como PDF, anexá-lo a uma tarefa e usá-lo digitalmente e muito mais!

How to Create a Poster From Scratch

Don’t have an account but want to create an educational poster? Try us out for 2 weeks completely FREE and have full access to our free online poster maker and our free templates, and all of the tools in the creator. Creating from scratch is easy, just follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the “create a storyboard” button. This will bring you to the storyboard creator.
  2. Give your poster a name. We suggest giving it a detailed name so that you know how to find it in the future. Click continue.
  3. Now that you are in the creator, click on the “layout” button in the right hand menu. Choose either a “8.5 x 14” or a “11 x 17” poster template depending on how large you would like your poster to be.
  4. Choose whether you want your poster to be horizontal or vertical and click “okay”.
  5. To find Storyboard That’s premade assets such as borders and lines, click on the “worksheets” button in the top row. If you are on a small screen such as a Chromebook, you may have to press the “more” button to find this option.
  6. Once you see the assets that you would like to include, simply drag and drop, resize, and move around as you see fit. We even have specific subject matter assets for math and science posters!
  7. After you have made your own poster, click save and exit.

Creating a poster template from scratch with our free online poster maker can be fun, but don’t forget: you can copy one of our premade free templates or storyboard posters and make major changes to it.

Ideas for Classroom Use!

Students of all ages love eye-catching and interesting posters around the classroom. Posters are also really fun and engaging project ideas, especially when created using Storyboard That! With lots of fonts, icons, and borders, your educational or for fun posters will be loved by the whole school! Here are a few suggestions on specific ways to use posters in the classroom:

  • Board Game Posters: This is a fan favorite! Our blank game posters are perfect for any post lesson or unit activity, as they are super versatile and FUN!
  • Classroom Rules: Create your class rules together and print out! If you would rather not print, another idea would be to have the rules displayed on the board each morning. These posters could also be used for all parts of the school such as the cafeteria, the gym, or the music room.
  • Social Media Poster: Have students create a social media poster for themselves as part of a “get to know you” activity, or they could create a social media poster for a biography project.
  • Map Posters: Choose from one of our many map posters to display around the classroom. Another idea is to have students make map posters of their own!
  • Movie Posters: A popular assignment for after students finish a book is to have them make a movie poster. We have tons of images and graphics to help these posters pop!
  • Schedule Posters: Want a creative way to display your daily schedule that’s easy and eye-popping? Look no further!
  • PSA Infographic Posters: These poster templates are so fun to use! Do you want to educate your students about an important cause, or have them make their own posters? These public service announcement posters are perfect!

Perguntas frequentes sobre modelos de pôster

Qual é a diferença entre pôster e infográfico?

A diferença entre um pôster e um infográfico é que os infográficos possuem gráficos, imagens e textos que explicam um tópico específico de uma determinada maneira. Os pôsteres, por outro lado, possuem diversas informações que são apresentadas de forma única e envolvente.

Como uso modelos de pôster educacional?

Para usar um modelo de cartolina pré-fabricado, basta clicar no modelo que você gosta e copiá-lo para sua biblioteca de storyboard. Você será solicitado a dar um nome a ele e, em seguida, poderá personalizar seu pôster online da maneira que desejar!

Posso fazer um modelo de pôster gratuitamente?

Sim você pode! Inscreva-se para uma avaliação gratuita de 14 dias e desbloqueie o acesso à nossa vasta biblioteca de modelos e aproveite os modelos de pôster gratuitos! Fornecemos uma amostra de planilha e uma amostra de pôster para todas as páginas de modelo!

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*(Isso iniciará uma prova gratuita de 2 semanas - Não é necessário cartão de crédito)ôster
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StoryboardThat é uma marca registrada da Clever Prototypes , LLC e registrada no Escritório de Marcas e Patentes dos EUA