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Activity Overview
Template and Class Instructions

Activity Overview

In this activity, students will be provided a question or prompt to answer using textual evidence. The prompt here is: “What challenges does Alice face and how does she overcome them?”

What challenges does Alice face?

  • Alice becomes so tall that when she looks down all can see are the tops of trees.
  • Alice becomes frustrated with the March Hare and the Hatter's rudeness.
  • Alice is extremely bored and doesn't even want to collect daisies.
  • The Queen of Hearts yells, "Off with her head!"

How does she overcome them?

  • Alice remembers that she has mushroom in her hand so she takes another bite to shrink.
  • Alice leaves the tea party ignoring the Hare and the Hatter.
  • Alice falls asleep and lets her imagination take her on wild adventures.
  • Alice yells, "Nonsense!" in return, which silenced the Queen.

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Student Instructions

Create a T-Chart storyboard that answers the prompt using at least three examples from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Click on "Add / Delete Cells" to change the number of examples.

  1. Break the question into two parts: What challenges does Alice face? and How does she overcome them?
  2. Type the two questions where it says "Heading 1" and "Heading 2".
  3. Think about examples from the text that support your answer.
  4. Type the text evidence in the description boxes. Paraphrase or quote directly from the text.
  5. Illustrate each example using scenes, characters, items, etc.

Lesson Plan Reference


(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)

Text Evidence
Answer the given question using at least three examples from the text.
Proficient Emerging Beginning
Support from Text
Examples chosen fully support the answer to the question.
Some of the examples answer the question correctly, but not all.
Most of the examples do not support the answer to the question.
Quote / Text
Evidence provided from the text is properly quoted or paraphrased.
There are some minor mistakes in the quote / description from text.
Quote or paraphrase is incomplete or confusing.
Illustration of Examples
Ideas are well organized. Images clearly illustrate the examples from the text.
Ideas are organized. Most images help to show the examples from the text.
Ideas are not well organized. Images are difficult to understand.

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