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Sonnet 73 TPCASTT Example

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Sonnet 73 TPCASTT Example
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المختصرات وأوضح: تويست + TP-CASTT

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هناك اختصاران لبدء الدمج مع طلاب ELA الخاصين بك وهما TWIST و TP-CASTT. كلاهما يسلط الضوء على مفاهيم مهمة من العمل وسيساعد على زيادة الفهم الأدبي العام!

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القصة المصورة الوصف

William Shakespeare Sonnets - Shakespeare Sonnet 73 TPCASTT Analysis

نص القصة المصورة

  • T- TITLE
  • ?
  • S- SHIFT
  • T- TITLE
  • T- THEME
  • The narrator might be talking about a special time of year, or a holiday.
  • The narrator is comparing his increasing age to things like fall/winter, twilight/night, and dying embers from a fire. At the end, he says that love and appreciation can increase when time is running out.
  • The narrator’s use of metaphor for the seasons, twilight, and a dying fire seem like he is concerned with the passing of time, and with how time has aged him. The lessening of time creates a sense of urgency to love more strongly and cherish things more closely.
  • Shakespeare uses words like bare, ruined, fadeth, death, ashes, deathbed, expire, and consumed to invoke images of death and time running out. The words are depressing and somewhat desperate.
  • A shift occurs in the final couplet when the narrator points out that the effect of getting older is that one must love the time he has more strongly, and cherish the little things.
  • After reading the poem, my prediction about the title was incorrect, since Shakespeare did not focus on a time of year, but discussed the passage of time that leads to death.
  • Love strongly and spend your time wisely because you never know how much time is left.

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