  • Iskanje
  • Moje Zbirke Zgodb
Fantastični g. Foks Lekcija Načrtov

Written by Roald Dahl, one of the greatest story tellers of all time, Fantastic Mr. Fox is a hilarious book that readers in Grades 2-5 will adore. Three horribly cruel, but also entertaining farmers are out for revenge against Mr. Fox, who has been stealing their livestock to provide for his wife and four baby foxes. Students will love to cheer on Mr. Fox and his family as he hatches a plan to outwit the farmers. This short and delightful novel is full of rich vocabulary that will leave readers and teachers hungry for more. It is the perfect book to introduce young readers to Roald Dahl and all of his delightful works.

Študentske dejavnosti za Fantastic Mr. Fox

A Quick Synopsis of Fantastic Mr. Fox

The story begins by introducing three horribly gluttonous farmers who are being robbed of their livestock by a clever fox trying to provide for his family. The farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean, decide they must come up with plan to catch the fox. They stake out the fox’s hole, but only manage to shoot off Mr. Fox's tail. Unwilling to give up easily, they plan to dig the foxes out. In desperation, Mr. Fox and his family begin their own excavations, attempting to out-dig the farmers. Things begin to look bleak when the farmers fetch their caterpillar tractors, but they still can’t catch the foxes.

The fanatical pursuit continues as the three farmers vow that they will not give up until they have the fox strung up. They decide they will starve him out and immediately set up camp by the hole and call for all the farm workers to surround the hill. The plan is working – the foxes are getting weaker and hungrier by the minute. Right when it looks like they might give up, Mr. Fox comes up with a fantastic plan. Leaving Mrs. Fox behind to rest, Mr. Fox and his young foxes begin frantically digging in one specific direction – Boggis’ Chicken House. They carefully steal some chickens and then are off to raid Bunce’s storehouse of ducks, geese, and vegetables, as well as Bean’s apple cider cellar.

On the way, they come across Badger who is also digging for his life and he tells the foxes that many digging animals are in danger because of the farmers’ plot against the foxes! Mr. Fox proves he is not just clever but also generous by inviting all the other animals for the greatest feast of all time, prepared from their recently stolen loot. He then has even grander plans to build an underground town and never have to go above ground again! The story ends with the farmers waiting in the pouring rain. It looks like they will be here for a long, long time.

Essential Questions for Fantastic Mr. Fox

  1. What makes Mr. Fox so "fantastic"?
  2. What does it mean to persevere?
  3. Is stealing ever okay?
  4. How is kindness rewarded?

Kako Voditi Študente pri Prepoznavanju in Analizi, Kako se Teme Razvijajo Skozi Celotno Zgodbo


Predstavite Koncept tem

Učencem razložite, kaj so teme in njihov pomen v literaturi. Pomagajte jim razumeti, da so teme osrednje ideje ali sporočila, ki jih avtor želi posredovati bralcu.


Preberite in se Pogovorite o Zgodbi

Preberite "Fantastic Mr. Fox" skupaj kot razred ali v manjših skupinah. Spodbujajte učence, da se aktivno vključijo v besedilo in si zapomnijo ključne dogodke, dejanja likov in dialoge, ki prispevajo k razvoju tem.


Prepoznajte Možne Teme

Učence vodite pri razmišljanju in prepoznavanju možnih tem v zgodbi. Spodbudite jih, naj razmislijo o ponavljajočih se idejah, motivaciji značajev, konfliktih in lekcijah, ki jih prenaša knjiga. Zapišite njihove predloge na skupno tablo ali list papirja.


Analizirajte Podporne Dokaze

Sodelujte s študenti pri analizi in zbiranju dokazov iz besedila, ki podpirajo njihove identificirane teme. Spodbujajte jih, naj poiščejo posebne primere, kot so dialogi, dejanja likov ali dogodki zapletov, ki pomagajo razviti in okrepiti teme, ki so jih izbrali.


Razpravljajte o Razvoju tem

Učence vključite v razpravo v razredu ali dejavnosti v majhnih skupinah, kjer lahko analizirajo, kako se identificirane teme razvijajo v zgodbi. Spodbudite jih, naj razpravljajo o dokazih, ki so jih našli, in njihovem pomenu pri krepitvi tem. Spodbudite jih, naj raziščejo, kako avtor uporablja literarna sredstva, loke likov ali napredovanje zapleta za izboljšanje razvoja tem.


Razmislite in Povzemite

Vodite učence pri razmišljanju o svoji analizi in povzemanju ugotovitev. Naj posamezno ali v skupinah napišejo kratke odstavke ali ustvarijo vizualne predstavitve, ki poudarjajo razvoj identificiranih tem v "Fantastičnem gospodu Foxu". Spodbujajte jih, da povežejo teme s svojim življenjem ali svetom okoli sebe.

Pogosta vprašanja o Fantastic Mr. Foxu

Kakšna je predlagana razredna stopnja za branje Fantastičnega gospoda Foxa?

Fantastični gospod Lisjak je idealen za bralce od 2. do 5. razreda. Zaradi bogatega besedišča in privlačne pripovedi je knjiga čudovito branje za mlade študente.

Zakaj je Fantastic Mr. Fox dobra izbira za učni načrt?

Fantastični gospod Lisjak je čudovita knjiga, ki mladim bralcem predstavi dela Roalda Dahla. Zgodba ni samo zabavna, ampak ponuja tudi priložnosti za razpravo o temah, kot so vztrajnost, bistrost in družinske vrednote. Bogato besedišče zgodbe lahko izboljša tudi jezikovne sposobnosti učencev.

Česa se učenci lahko naučijo od Fantastičnega gospoda Foxa?

Učenci se lahko od Fantastičnega gospoda Foxa naučijo dragocenih lekcij o odpornosti, bistroumnosti in pomenu družine. Protagonist zgodbe, gospod Fox, kaže te lastnosti, ko prelisiči tri kmete, da bi svojo družino ohranil varno in sito. Zgodba prav tako spodbuja empatijo in radodarnost, kot se vidi, ko gospod Fox povabi druge živali, da se udeležijo pogostitve, ki jo pripravi.

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