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Activity Overview

A big part of campaigning for candidates is getting their message to voters so that they can get their votes! Political campaigns use a multitude of different advertisements to convince the public to vote for their candidate. This can include catchy slogans, vivid imagery, or words that explain their stances on issues and highlight their campaign promises. In this activity, students will create a campaign poster for either an imaginary or real candidate.

Their campaign poster should have compelling visuals, slogans and descriptions that explain why their candidate should win. If students are doing an imaginary candidate, they should brainstorm issues and topics that are important to them and create a candidate that will fight for their values. If they are doing an actual candidate, students should research their candidate. The candidate could be on the national level, like the presidential election, or it could be on the local level with either a town mayor or even a school student president!

For more poster templates, check out our poster library. Additional templates can be added to the assignment to give students more choice and guidance.

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Due Date:

Objective: Choose a political candidate and create a campaign poster that outlines their core values and campaign promises.

Student Instructions:

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. Choose appropriate scenes, characters and items that represent your candidate.
  3. Write 3-4 campaign promises or beliefs for your candidate.


Lesson Plan Reference


(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)

Campaign poster for a political candidate!
After learning about the major and minor political parties in the United States, and the core values for each party, students will create their own campaign poster consisting of vivid visuals, catchy slogans and information about the candidates promises. Students can choose to do an actual candidate and research their stances on issues or they can do an imaginary candidate that reflects the changes and policies they'd like to see. The candidate could be on the national level, like the presidential election, or it could be on the local level with either a town mayor or even a school student president.
10 Points
6 Points
1 Points
Student includes the name of the candidate and a catchy slogan. Student describes 4-6 of the candidates core beliefs or campaign promises.
Student includes the name of the candidate and a catchy slogan. Student describes 2-3 of the candidates core beliefs or campaign promises.
Student includes the name of the candidate and a catchy slogan. Student describes 1 of the candidates core beliefs or campaign promises.
Student includes graphics and scenes that depict each of the 4-6 core beliefs of the candidate.
Student includes graphics and scenes that depict each of the 2-3 core beliefs of the candidate.
Student includes graphics and scenes that depict each of the 1 of the core beliefs of the candidate.

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