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Activity Overview
Template and Class Instructions

Activity Overview

Conjugation practice is essential in every language student's journey to mastering a language. In this activity, students will create a conjugation chart with -er, -ir, and -re verbs. As part of their chart, students will include a scene that illustrates the connection between each pronoun and its conjugations. The example and instructions use the present tense, but this activity can be adjusted so students can practice any tense.

Template and Class Instructions

(These instructions are completely customizable. After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.)

Student Instructions

Practice conjugating the present tense for -er, -ir-, and -re verbs and illustrate your sentences.

  1. Click "Start Assignment".
  2. In the first column, practice conjugate an -er verb for each of the 6 pronoun categories.
  3. In the second and third columns, do the same for an -ir and -re verb.
  4. Create an illustration for each sentence using appropriate scenes, characters, and items.

For this activity, you will practice conjugation of French verbs in the present tense. Use the template to choose a regular -er, -ir, and -re verb to conjugate for each of the six French pronoun categories. Design a simple image to illustrate the verb for each pronoun, then write a simple sentence below the image. For the verb “regarder”, for example, you might use the same image of a TV being watched all the way down the column, while simply changing the characters and sentences to suit the pronouns. Refer to the sample storyboard as a guide.

Lesson Plan Reference


(You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.)

French Regular Verb Conjugations
Create a storyboard conjugating regular -ER, -RE, and -IR verbs with accompanying images.
4 Points
2 Points
1 Points
-ER Verbs
The student correctly conjugates a regular -ER verb for each pronoun and employs it correctly in a sentence six times.
The student correctly conjugates a regular -ER verb for most pronouns and employs the verb correctly in a sentence four out of six times.
The student incorrectly conjugates the -ER verb for at least half of the pronouns. The storyboard does not include sentences below the images or the verb is incorrectly used in at least half of the sentences.
-RE Verbs
The student correctly conjugates a regular -RE verb for each pronoun and employs it correctly in a sentence six times.
The student correctly conjugates a regular -REverb for most pronouns and employs the verb correctly in a sentence four out of six times.
The student incorrectly conjugates the -RE verb for at least half of the pronouns. The storyboard does not include sentences below the images or the verb is incorrectly used in at least half of the sentences.
-IR Verbs
The student correctly conjugates a regular -IR verb for each pronoun and employs it correctly in a sentence six times.
The student correctly conjugates a regular -IR verb for most pronouns and employs the verb correctly in a sentence four out of six times.
The student incorrectly conjugates the -IR verb for at least half of the pronouns. The storyboard does not include sentences below the images or the verb is incorrectly used in at least half of the sentences.
Storyboard Scenes
The storyboard depictions show strong effort and clearly convey the meaning of the text. The basic scenes remain the same down each column, clearly depicting the different characters to reflect the different pronouns.
The storyboard depictions show effort and attempt to convey the meaning of the text. The basic scenes remain the same down each column, and attempt to depict different characters to reflect the different pronouns.
The storyboard depictions show a lack of effort and fail to convey the meaning of the text. The basic scenes do not remain the same down each column, and characters do not clearly depict the pronoun changes.
All sentences contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks).
Most sentences contain correct grammar and spelling (including accent marks).
The sentences contain many grammatical or spelling errors (including accent marks).

Image Attributions

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